Teachers Voices
Messages from Head Teachers of Saiei International
The best thing about working for Saiei International is the students. The classes we teach are based on oral communication and making the students speak as much as possible. Once you learn what is expected of you as a teacher and how to guide the students through the activities, it is not that difficult to make the classes interesting and educational.
At Saiei International you are encouraged to communicate with the students as much as possible. When we are not teaching we communicate with the students and give them advice on how to improve their English. If you have never worked as an English teacher before, it might be difficult at first to know how to talk with students with limited knowledge of English. However, once you get used to that, it is very interesting and rewarding to communicate with the students and see their progress.
Andy – Asakadai School
Working in a company with people from several countries and of different cultures can be challenging at times. However, I see this as an opportunity to learn more and to look at things in various perspectives. At Saiei International, it’s not about where you’re from but more about who you are as a person. While it takes a high proficiency in English to teach, it also takes someone with the right character that can inspire students of all ages to learn.
Teaching at Saiei International also provides us avenues to continuously improve ourselves in many aspects and this pursuit for growth is what makes Saiei distinct from others. From the initial training for new teachers, to the weekly training sessions in each school, and the annual Company Training Camp for all full-time staff, it’s not just about being a good teacher, but also being a good motivator for our students and our colleagues.
Raniel – Minami Urawa School
Teaching is one of the noblest professions of all time.
Not only do we impart knowledge to our students, but also we can make a difference in their lives. The SAIEI method of teaching is geared towards a holistic approach that enables our students to be well-rounded and be survivors at the global stage.
As SAIEI teachers, we are not limited to the boundaries of the classrooms but also bound to being mentors, coaches and motivators to our students. In order to fulfill these responsibilities, constant learning through training, curriculum practice and teamwork is a must.
All of these are the very reasons why I chose to be a teacher at SAIEI International.
John – Otakanomori School
I have been working for this company since 2012 and I’ve learned to become more flexible and able to adapt to any situation.
Having been given the opportunity to be a head teacher also honed my leadership and decision making skills. Even though I am fundamentally an introverted person, working in Saiei served as a training ground for me to improve my social skills to the point that people couldn’t even tell that I am in fact an introvert.
There certainly are a lot of challenges in teaching like coming up with creative and educational activities for our lessons, but that’s part of building our repertoire and becoming the best versions of ourselves. If we train ourselves to have the right mindset, we can keep on improving our lessons, schools, and even our overall character.
Mia – Ageo School
Working at Saiei International has been a worthwhile experience. The things I value most about this company have been the friendly environment, extensive training and support, and the interactive and entertaining nature of the job.
Saiei has been a comfortable place for me to work because of the friendly staff. I have never had any problems getting along with any of the Japanese or foreign staff. When I have questions, my concerns are always quickly resolved through effective communication.
The extensive training support offered has also been a positive. Thanks to the simplicity of the training system I have always felt adequately prepared to go into any lesson.
Another thing I value is the interactive and entertaining nature of the job. After working boring office jobs and doing hard manual labor, I have found that this type of work fits me best. Being able to interact with the diverse staff and students has been a great joy. I have found myself to be quite interested in the cultures of those I have met and also in the development of my students.
I can’t guarantee you will have the same experience but I know there will be something for you here to help you grow.
Ezra – Omiya School
I have worked at Saiei International for a total of 4 years. My day to day tasks not only involve teaching, but also engaging office work-related tasks, and coaching students learning to enhance their overall English skills.
Here at Saiei, the working environment is diverse so you’ll get to work with people from different backgrounds. You’ll get to teach a wide range of students from pre-school age to adult. Therefore, it provides you chance to expand your teaching experience with a variety of language learners.
Extensive training to further hone one’s teaching skill is also provided on a weekly basis, so every teachers are given opportunities to continuously grow. Flexibility and well-roundedness is a key factor in accommodating our customer’s needs. So if you are someone who enjoys challenge and work well in team, working at Saiei would be a rewarding experience for you.
Ramon – Kawaguchi School
Saiei has a positive mission statement that exemplifies the highest commitment to quality and service to customers. The company sets out to achieve its goals in ethical, honest ways with an elevated sense of purpose to improving not only students’ English ability but also their way of life making them survivors in this world.
The company and its employees embrace change and accommodate new activities by having a yearly teaching contest to incorporate new skills that allow us to improve ourselves as teachers, motivators, and stimulators.
No experience? No problem! Saiei provides a 2-week intensive training course and a lot of OJT for new teachers, making sure that everyone is up to par with Saiei standards. This will make new teachers feel confident in giving 200% in front of students before teaching their own classes.
I am looking forward to working with you!
Pia – Yoshikawa Minami School
To be honest with you, if someone told me I would become an English teacher, I would have answered that this person was crazy. My work life until I started working for Saiei was very different.
One of the biggest differences and challenges? Teaching children! I worked with people from all walks of life, but I never imagined working with kids. And I was quite worried about it! Probably because I remembered how kids could quickly get bored, and how they could easily be disappointed by adults. Such things happened to me when I was their age, and I definitely did not want to become another cause of disappointment.
At first, it was hard for me to push the right buttons to properly teach kids and get along with them. Because it is not only about teaching, it is also about being a motivator and someone they enjoy spending time with. I eventually started liking teaching kids a lot, and this is something I learnt about myself thanks to my work at Saiei.
Kim – Higashi Urawa School
I have worked for Saiei for more than 5 years. My journey started as a newbie in a foreign country and I found myself overwhelmed with lots of questions and fears when I applied for this job. I can still recall the first time I was interviewed. They asked me right off the bat, “Do you like teaching kids”? And without hesitation, I answered “YES”. And from that day, I knew for myself that I made the right decision.
I still have a lot of things to learn and understand, not just teaching but also inter-office relationships as well. This is one thing that sets Saiei International apart from other companies. You really don’t have to worry about anything, Saiei will offer all the help you need to become a very good teacher. You have ample time for training, by observing our veteran teachers plus this is the time they will give you helpful tips on how to teach classes and manage the students in and out of the classrooms.
Every week, teachers are provided with the latest approaches or techniques to make sure that we have a unified way on how to teach our classes. We carry the motto “a boring lesson is a crime” which is why we have time to prepare our lessons.
In our company we don’t do easy, we make easy happen through hard work and continuous learning. To me, being a teacher means love, fun, joy, and excitement! You have to reach their hearts before you can reach their heads! I go to work every day with a goal in mind of making learning fun while instilling a lifelong love for learning in my students. I have no regrets being here, because I owe everything to this company on who am I today as a teacher, friend and colleague. If you’re looking for career growth and become part of a stable company come and be part of our Saiei Family.
Mark – Koshigaya Laketown School
Having been trained for a traditional classroom, I had absolutely no idea what an English Language Coach in Japan was supposed to do. Moreover, it would seem like I joined Saiei at a time of constant improvements and changes. One would think such a situation would be overwhelming. However, with Saiei’s comprehensive training schedule headed by competent and supportive trainers, I found my footing with much less stress-induced food binges than I expected.
Even at present, Saiei continues to implement creative ideas and techniques to better address the ever-changing needs of our students. An old-timer like me constantly learns something new through the regularly scheduled training that aim not only to improve one’s teaching techniques but also offer fresh insights on interpersonal interactions and personal development.
In many ways, I stayed in Saiei for this long because I find that it suits my personality well. There is enough routine to assure those apprehensive of change but also enough opportunities to be creative that the surefooted will not be left bored. Saiei organizes enough company events to entertain the more outgoing ones among the staff but also leaves options for the more reserved ones. Independent workers are appreciated even as teamwork is highlighted.
Balance is key and that is what we aim for in Saiei. I hope that you find what you are looking for here.
Khei – Okegawa School
Interested in working for Saiei?
Thank you for your interest in the opportunities available through Saiei Group. If you’re new to the idea of working in Japan or you’re considering a new career path, Saiei is a solid choice.
From the beginning not only are you guided through the teaching methodologies in a practical hands-on manner with regular students, but there are also weekly training sessions to help build our skills as a team. Teachers are trained to teach all ages and levels as our students range from pre-school to senior citizens. It’s actually quite refreshing to have such a variety of student levels to interact with.
There are many career options within Saiei itself. Once certain requirements are met, teachers interested in pursuing positions with greater responsibilities may do so. These include editing and the creation of teaching material to becoming the head teacher of a school as well as a full time seishain position. Most schools operate on an afternoon to evening schedule while some schools have morning and afternoon shifts. Should your interests lie solely in early childhood development there are 2 preschools.
Paul – Coco’s International Preschool
The positive points of working at Saiei/Coco’s are many and varied. The company provides a good working experience for teachers who want to teach English to young learners in Japan. It is very welcoming and accepting and they provide training for the job.
In Coco’s Preschool, I have a very good working environment and I am able to survive working for several years here because of the kind and competent teachers and staff. This job exposes me to different cultures and different kinds of people and my knowledge and understanding have expanded due to this.
The job and responsibilities really shape, challenge and improve me as teacher and as a person. And the company itself has been around for 50 years, so there’s a sense of security.
The challenges that come with the job are just as varied. Working in a preschool is really a lot of fun but it can get very tiring physically and mentally. It is demanding sometimes and requires a lot of time and effort.
We work with different kinds of people with different cultural backgrounds so some work ethics and expectations are different and the challenge is how to adapt, understand, and have mutual respect to be able to work together.
Cherie – Coco’s International Preschool
There are not a lot of jobs out there that can give you the satisfaction as much as teaching does. Anyone can work an eight hour shift but not everyone can say that they were able to help mold young minds.
Teaching very young learners is very challenging since at this stage we do not only focus on the knowledge but we also mold their behavior and manners. We build the very foundations of a bilingual individual. We teach Music, Art, Math, Language, Physical Education and Science in English.
Here at SEEDS International Preschool, we have routines in the morning, at lunch and in the afternoon which establishes a consistent and stable environment for the children. We eat lunch with our students. This allows us to bond and get to know our students better especially their eating habits. We go to the park when the weather permits. It’s good exercise for the kids and for us teachers as well.
You will get the chance to bond everyday with little human beings who will one day be adults fully equipped with the necessary tools he/she needs to chase their dreams. You will also get to know and bond with their parents during events that are held throughout the year. Come and experience teaching in a fun and exciting way!
Recca – SEEDS International Preschool
Working at Saiei International is about having a fulfilling job while strengthening your career stability. It’s about having a stable career while contributing to Japanese youth’s journey to global competitiveness and survival.
To provide our students with the best ways to learn English and use it in their daily lives, we are given extensive and continuous training. This is to make sure that our quality of teaching is always at its best. We are also given the chance to showcase our teaching abilities in the company’s annual teaching contest. To be hailed as the “Teacher of the Year” gives teachers not only a monetary incentive but also gives them and their respective schools a sense of fulfillment and great pride.
To become a Saiei International teacher is indeed a good opportunity to hone one’s own talents and have a stable career. And while doing so, teachers act as beacons as our students travel their path to success. We give students not only academic but also survival lessons through constant communication during “Communication Time” before and between lessons and “Coaching Time” after the last lesson.
Having a work shift which usually starts in the afternoon gives me time to do my personal errands in the morning. Also, we don’t usually have to travel during the peak rush hours, especially in the morning.
So what are you waiting for? Join Saiei International and help mold the future generation into survivors and successful individuals!
Angel – Kita Toda
The best thing about working at Saiei is TEAMWORK. When people work together in an atmosphere of trust and accountability toward a common goal, they put aside turf issues and politics in order to focus on the tasks that need to be done. I’ve learned that people enjoy working together and teamwork satisfies a need for socialization. It helps people grow as they learn from each other and develop important skills. But most of all, working together toward a common goal provides a sense of purpose that is motivating and fulfilling. It’s the greatest thing you can have amongst your co-workers and for a company.
There are some tough points and challenges but for the most part, it’s so much fun. Talking to people from all walks of life, the diversity of classes and students that I have encountered and having students’ progress is great.
Davis – Fujimino