Sam 先生
趣味・特技 My hobbies are watching English movies, listening to music, and Kpop/Korean dramas. (私の趣味は、洋画を見ること、音楽をきくこと・K-POPと韓国ドラマです。
私のオススメ! My favorite movies are Marvel movies. My favorite hero is Iron man (Tony Stark). My favorite thing to do is going out and enjoy the nice weather. It makes me feel relax and happy.(私の好きな映画はマーベル映画です。私のお気に入りのヒーローはアイアンマンです。私の好きなことは、出かけることと、いい天気を楽しむことです。それをするとリラックスし、嬉しくなります。)
こどもの頃の夢 I want to be a performer.(パフォーマーになりたいです。)
~メッセージ~ Always have to balance on living in the present day and working for your future because living in the present day without a goal is like living without a purpose while worrying for your future will only cost your today's happiness. Love yourself more like any other people would love you so that we can offer love to other people (general relationships). Always remember that you can't give something what you don't have. How you treat yourself is a reflection of how other people would treat you. We only have one life to live. Love it and enjoy it!(